Millersville 1SE

*** Closed ***

Latitude: 39° 05' 07"N, Longitude: 76° 37' 04"W, Elevation: 75 ft
Millersville, Maryland USA

Station History

Records began January 1, 1983.
Records suspended on June 16,1991.
Records resumed on October 3, 1993.
Station closed on April 1, 2006.

Weather Equipment Used:

Monthly Weather Data

These are six page reports similar to the Local Climatological Data (LCD) reports produced by the National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) with the addition of hourly data plots and a monthly wind rose.

PDF Monthly Reports

PDF reports are available since January 2000.

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Select year:


HTML Monthly Reports

These are four page reports similar to the Local Climatological Data (LCD) reports produced by the National Climatic Data Center (NCDC).

These reports for January 1983 - December 1999 and use the Heathkit ID-4001 and ID-5001.

Select month:
Select year:

1 Data in reports Jan-Sep 1993 is from Baltimore 4SW. It is used to build a full year's worth of data. Wind data excluded because of significant difference in the two stations' exposures. Wind data for 9/27/1993 is estimated; power was interrupted before arrival of F1 tornado.

2 Data in reports Jul-Dec 1991 is from Baltimore 4SW. It is used to build a full year's worth of data. Wind data excluded because of significant difference in the two stations' exposures.

Data in reports January 1983 through January 1989 was manually recorded by the station observer. WxSolution for DOS began automated record keeping in February 1989.

These reports for September 2003 - April 2004 use the Davis Vantage Pro.

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Select year:

Last updated: April 1, 2006.