Pasadena 2N


Latitude: 39° 08' 31"N, Longitude: 76° 30' 27"W, Elevation: 43 ft
Pasadena, Maryland USA

Station History

Records begin December 24, 2005.

Weather Equipment Used:

Current Weather Data

Current Conditions - updated every 10 minutes
Yesterday's detail report
Yesterday's summary report
Yesterday's strip chart
Current Month report - updated daily
Hourly Observations report

Other sites for this station's data:
- APRSWxNet: CW0454
- Weather Underground: KMDPASAD9

Monthly Weather Data

These are six page reports similar to the Local Climatological Data (LCD) reports produced by the National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) with the addition of hourly data plots and a monthly wind rose.

PDF Monthly Reports

Reports begin December 2005.

Select month:
Select year:
